07 December 2018

Johor Melaka Road Trip

After months of 7 days work weeks, I found myself facing fatigue and wanted a break for sometime. Finally, earlier this week, I decided to take a short break. Just yesterday, I decided to extend it 1 night. I'm just tired and need to be out alone to recharge, over durian.

Was actually intending to ride but brake pads are bald and I dont have the time to visit the workshop.

A very leisure drive, I decided to exit the highway at the 1st exit of Yong Peng, to try my luck on durian. Glad I did.

The make shift stall only has 1 variant of durian, D24. On asking, it was RM15/kg.

I picked 2 durians, I'm hungry...

This piece was alright. There are only 3 seeds. Taste wise, the flavour was floral and sweet with mild bitterness. It was good enough.


Oh my... oh.... darn..... it a really damn good!!! I'm blown over! The strong D24 taste that I've not had for a really really long time. I cant ecen recall having had this knocked over D24 for so many years. I cant believe my luck. It just taste beyond my thoughts. It's just too good!

I'll rest my tummy for the rest if today and hunt in Melaka tomorrow.


Laat night and this morning, was driving around Melaka looking for durian. The old stalls I'm aware of, have disappeared. In place are some youngsters selling at a much higher price.

On average, most stalls are selling the same D24 for RM36/kg and MSW at RM68/kg. CRAZY!!!!  That's an absolute ripped off. Thats S$12/kg for D24 and S$23/kg for MSW.

Obviously they are targeting ignorant foreign consumers since Melaka are well populated by tourist on weekends, and possibly the largest crowd are Singaporeans.

I guess, those Singaporean consumers who patronized l, are quite immune to such prices and when on holiday, finances doesnt come into play thus wouldn't mind the higher price than back home?

The road side stall (outside Portugese settlement) I approached this morning, told me... ok they have cheaper variant of D24 at RM25/kg  which they claimed, are young trees (while old trees are going at RM36/kg).

Ya Right!!! Tell that to others. I didnt want to debunk him in his face... sometimes I rather just STFU and smiled (ya conn others)...

So, be warned. Dont be the next 'robert' (sings in a creepy unknown tone... it ain gonna be me, and who knows who shall it be)

08 August 2018

Thai XO Durian

Many are not a fan of thai durians... my friend and me are just Durian lovers that takes what is presented to us.

Received a call to join him for durian. Not having any expection what he is going to surprise me with, I went over to his place.

Didn't know Thailand has XO durians 😂

Ok if this is my last ever post, you know, Thai XO durian did me in.... remember to bring durians to my wake.

PS : It's been a week since.... ok it's not lethal... try at own risk.

28 July 2018

End Of Cheap Durian Because Of China

With this cheap run expected to come to an end next week as Johor’s durian supply runs out, and China muscling into the market for the mao shan wang variety, are the days of cheap premium durians over?

The programme Talking Point asked this question following weeks in which mao shan wang durians hit a price low of S$10 a kg, down from the usual S$28 to S$35.

Read more at https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/cnainsider/cheap-free-durian-mao-shan-wang-musang-king-malaysia-china-10569802


I choose to take the above with a pinch of salt.  Yes, for awhile, if China starts to import more durians than currently (recent years), the price will go up somewhat and quality may drop, but why do I not feel bothered?

There are 2 points not widely known nor discussed.  Firstly, there are many many young MSW trees in Pahang and also, Thailand has started cultivating MSW!

More plantations and young trees
I made 3 trips to Pahang in 2017. Along the route, we see plantations after plantations of durian trees. I wont say all these are MSW but when we checked with a distributor, he said majority are.

These are still rather young trees, appearing to be about 30 feet tall.  Given another 2-3 years, it would mature and produce bigger yields of durian.

Malaysia durians, are so far, naturally ripen. With that, the durians targeted for export to China will be quality checked to try prevent over ripen on arrival. The rejects, will likely end up in Singapore and for Malaysia local market.  

In about 5 years, there is a chance of a near oversupply situation (maybe not as bad as in the later 90s) and that may cause prices to come back to a healthy level.

Thailand Growing MSW Durians
It has been going on for awhile but unknown to most consumers.  It is a matter of time Thailand will master when to harvest MSW so it is rightly ripe on arrival in China.

The MSW we are consuming now, are not 100% from Malaysia, but there are some that are cultivated in Thailand but exported via Malaysia channel.

Some consumers are easily bothered by the source.  I don't!  I even consume Thai durian sometimes, as it can be rather tasty too.

Chinese Buying Farms
It was rumored that the Chinese are rampantly trying to acquire durian plantations in Malaysia.

I hope that is untrue but I tend to believe there could be some transaction (land lease rather).  I hope there are laws to prevent foreigners owning land (especially farm land) nor leasing it.  

But on a hind note, hey why not... if the Chinese are running durian farms and exporting it back to China, would that not leave the Malaysian farmers with lesser route but to continue dumping to Singapore?

Areas I Disagree With In The Above Report 
It was stated in the report, durian prices this season is at a 20 years low.

That is inaccurate in my knowledge. 20 years ago was 1998.  Sometime during those few years around 1998, prices were very low due to over supply.

In 2015, durian supplies were overwhelming and quality were among the best in many years.  In 2015, prices of MSW were even going at $8/kg.  Other variants were also sold at the lowest in memory.  (not to mention, $0.20 per small durian)

Next. It was stated in the report that the normal prices of MSW is $28-35/kg.  WAIT, where did the reporter get that information from? That is inaccurate. Didn't the reporter verify it? 

That high prices were in 2017! WHY?  In 2017, mid year supply in particular, durian supply were drastically affected by weather phenomenon of El Nino (2016) and onset of La Nina (2017) which more than halved supplies during the mid year season.  It was also due to durians being exported to China.

The reporter should verify prices for 5 years at least, before putting out that unverified report just based on the claims of whom they interviewed.

Durian sellers are not always telling the full picture.  For the price matter, it comes across to me, durian sellers are trying to condition consumers to high price from the news site.  

I guess, the recent season (July 2018) prices may be one of the lowest in recent times (except 2015) and we may not exactly experience such prices often and if China starts importing more, yes, prices will likely be impact.  But given the swats of land being used for durian farming, the price escalation during peak season may be digestible.

----- edit 27/01/2019 -----
Recently, I saw MSW going at $13-15/kg. Definitely not $28-35.

----- edit 23/06/2022 -----
The bumper harvest over the last 1 week proven a point again.  Even with the Chinese market, how did MSW drop to $12/kg or $15/kg currently?  

Don't be mistaken, the price per KG is determined by different grade, among other reasons.  So, the current price of $12 or $15/kg is Grade B or Grade C MSW.

Durian is a highly perishable fruit.  It can't be kept long, thus it is highly influenced by supply.  Demand hasn't changed very much, but supply does vary season to season.

This current low price was caused by the overwhelmed harvest from both Johor and Pahang, thus the crash and it won't last long.  My guess is, probably until late June 2022.  Get your fix soon, before it goes up again.

22 July 2018

D163 - Hor Lor

Hor Lor?  I only had it once, in Penang, where it originate from if I'm not mistaken.  So, when I was presented this by the seller, I was finding it a bit hard to believe.

The Outlook
Like the name suggested, Hor Lor is a hokkien word for gourd.

It is longish shape and has a slightly broader lower half (photo didnt fo justice as it was an opened fruit so I couldn't take different angles). 

The thorns are a little jagged, some even appears hooked.

It appears a bit on the brownish hue, with a tone of dullishness than green.

There's the 'star lines' too. Is it typical? Dont know.

The Flesh 
It's richly yellow, not deep yellow like MSW, but a bit nearer to Tekka.

Taste and Texture
Very thick and kind of occupied your mouth with that sense of gluey texture but it isnt gluey, a bit like what you may experience with a big piece of cempedek fruit.

It is very fibrous, the membrane feels chewy. Even that layer between the flesh and seed. 

The rich color gave me a false expectation that it will come with a strong taste. Well, yes, flavorful but not the kind of taste that strikes you hard.

It taste thickly buttery yet nutty. A nice flavour develops when we savor it slowly.  It is mildly sweet, with a hint of bitter.

The seeds are mostly large, but dont mistaken, the flesh is ample due to the thickness texture.  

It is quite nice.  The taste and texture is rather unusual. I dont mind eating it sometime.

Although it is quite pleasant, I'll only rate it 5/10.

----------- 23/07/18 ---------------

Just had another Hor Lor today... it resonate with the first fruit I had couple of days ago. Texture, taste, looks, everything. Maybe a coincidence, but give me the impression, that is what Hor Lor is like.

11 July 2018

Which Is The Best Durian Stall & What's The Current Durian Prices

Why do I not include these in my post?  After all, a lot of consumers are price sensitive, wanting value for money durians.

Durian Stalls
If I had written specifically about a stall, I am promoting, thus bias in my opinion.  This isn't objective.  Benefits in kind, as in, free durian for the write up may result in some level of bias writing as I won't likely give very objective write ups.

Besides, even if I do not receive any benefits (including benefits in kind), there is another deterring factor.  If they know I am doing a write up for my blog, they will choose the best durian (even if it means rejecting 10 or 20 durians, just to get the best one) so I will write how good that durian is.

With that, it will affect the ingenuity of what the stall sells.  What I get to try, for a write up, won't likely be what consumers gets on average.  That is so wrong, I can't feature a stall.  Of course, I could remain anonymous, but that also means I may have to eat durians that doesn't suit my taste (awwww i can't be so benevolent)... 

Most Honest or Best Seller/Stall
Well, I read/heard such claims.  Some exclaimed 'THIS' or 'THAT' is the best stall, etc.  To each his own la.  Sometimes I can't even trust myself.

Some stalls are just lucky, right place right time.  Some goes through sheer hard work to build a name.  

Those that are plain lucky.  In 2015, the mid year durian season was the best in many years.  Anyone that opened a stall at that period, would end up being preferred by the consumers who patronised their stall, thinking they have very good durian.  Others, sometimes due to the incidental spot/stall they gotten at some point in time.  

People in the know, knows that cost changes regularly, as much as daily.  Those not in the know, well, now you know.  Cost really change fast.  It can plunge or escalate just in 1 day.  Weekend cost really do go up as demand is higher thus suppliers will charge the stores higher thus higher selling price.

In that case, how accurate are prices that people collate and disseminate?  I even heard consummer at a stall going (sometime back), "did't you publish $15/kg" (few weeks back)?  Why is it $20/kg now?" Gosh.... lesson 101, regular price movement la... if 2 weeks ago was peak, and 2 weeks later was post peak, where supply is reduced, how to maintain price?  I pity durian sellers sometimes.... 

Those who thinks, boycott........ Good for you... let me know when it's successful

Also, different stalls charges different prices due to other cost, other than cost of goods.  Rental, manpower, competition, these cost are not always known to some.

Oh, and.... let's say... the popular durian MSW, at 3 different prices.  There must be a reason, and I won't go for the cheaper one for sure.

I don't care about all these.  My friends and me may have some regular stalls we go to, but we will not divulge it for the above reason.  We are not very price sensitive, not that we can afford high price durians, but we understand several factors.  By large, we do not eat durian regularly like going for our liquor, but just when it's in season (twice a year).  

I still hear... durian contains a lot of pesticides (do you eat shells?) and durian has high cholesterol (don't confuse calories and cholesterol leh)... 
"Doctor... i need an appointment.... I'm poisoned, my arteries are clotted, I'm dying soon...." (fainted)

09 July 2018

D194 - Gabai

Pardon me, this is the first time I was offered this variant and an online check doesn't yield any similar name, thus I am not too sure if this durian name is right.  I was told it is called Kapai (or Kap Tai, or what? Beats me).

As I was seated at the durian stall, watching the durian guys attending to customers, one of the durian seller asked me if I am keen to try a rare fruit, Kapai.  He just opened the fruit and sent to me, thus I couldn't take photo of a unopened fruit, but here's how it looks like when I combined both sides back together (as best as I could).

It was a mid sized durian, feels like it weighs in the region of 1.6-1.8kg (guess).  The shell is greenish with big and tough thorns and sharp pointed ends (blacken tip).  A very solid and healthy outlook generally.  Longish and regular shape, producing 5 good sides with fruit.

The inside looks welcoming.  The color of durian pulp is creamy, pale yellow (quite like D24 color).  It has regular size seeds, yet yields sufficient flesh that is thick and tends to feel a little dry enough to stick to the throat (don't swallow too quick or you may just get a hiccup).

It taste creamy, hint of milkiness but not vanilla like.  It has a mild subtle taste, which grows on me after 2nd seed.  There's a nice hint of bitter yet sweet on the tongue.  Smell starts to fill my nose with a nice linger.

What seems interesting is, the flesh can be peeled off the seed cleanly.  

Personally, it is worth trying, but it won't appeal to those who like strong tasting durian.

Would give it a 4/10 appeal to general consumers but I personally take it at 5-6/10 for the overall.


I spoke with Mr Soh, a durian farm owner recently, and was told, it should be D194 - Gabai.  As he shared, the flesh should be yellowish and bitter sweet.  

A quick search online, pointed to what he shared.

Taste wise, although milder, it seems to resonate with what I tried, plus the milkiness, but color wise, the one I tried seems to be pale.  Let's hope I get to try it again some other times.

06 July 2018

Mid 2018 Season - We Are In For A Treat!

This Season's Harvest & Price
The season started recently and prices have already started coming down since. The season only started less than 2 weeks ago and expected to peak by middle of July

The good news is, the current supply are mostly from Johor, while Pahang's harvest has just started about a week back.  When it peak, both Malaysia States' harvest will 'crash', resulting in a bumper harvest thus prices are expected to plummet further.  Quality is expected to improve as it peaks.

I do not keep track with pricing thus am unaware of the going prices.  There are durian groups that are compiling prices and sending it around in WhatsApp messages, etc.  Just check around and you will likely be more informed than me, the frog in well.

First Bite - 5 July 2018. 
After enduring since last week, the devil gotten me (damn there goes my diet plan)....

Today's session (Johor durians), I was offered a small Mao Shan Wang (MSW). Being small, each seed is small and not too much pulp. However, the aroma is flavorful and thick.  It's mildly bitter sweet.  It isn't exactly the best but it's good enough, for now.

Second - XO
Goodness, the sequence is wrong this the flavour is overcast by MSW.  Over all, it was still rather nice despite being overshadowed.

Wait.... I only had half. Where is the other half?  I wanted to bring it home and refrigerate it. I guess the durian seller must have taken it away and gave me another durian.

The Rare One - D2
Seldom seen but since it was offered to me, I gotta eat it.  I didnt have much expectations of it but having eaten only 1 seed, I was left quite impress.  Theres nice fragrant in the nostril, mildly bitter sweet.  A nice durian but not the type I want too much of.

Fantastic Four - Red Prawn
The durian guy told.me, he has only 1 Red Prawn but it's a little too wet. Prawns are marine creatures not desert animals after all what.... I Want It!

I've had Red Prawn from time to time, not always knock me over and today's fruit was alright. It doesn't come with that lingering after taste nor the biting sensation on the tongue but still, I like it.

Maybe I had too much durian by now this diminished returns.  Doesn't matter. I couldn't finish it and took half the fruit home and refrigerate it.  Will eat it tomorrow.

Damn.... too much durian.... I need my beer


Second Indulgence - 7 July 2018
Went into JB to meet a friend for dinner and durian.  After not trying D101 on 5 July, I had this craving thus when the seller said it doesn't have a sourish taste, I decided to give it a try, follow by D13.  Both D101 and D13 was doable but not satisfying.

We proceed for dinner, to rest the platelet for awhile.  

When we return to the stall later, I recognised a durian kept in the vehicle and sneakily approached it.  It's Red Prawns!  Asked the seller, is that reserved or he intends to bring it home hehe.... and he offered to let me have it instead.  

The Red Prawn impressed all of us!  It has that nice captivating kam kam taste, bitter sweet and a strong aroma that just sticks out from the crowd.  Really, if that's the quality, I'll really be in a lot of trouble this season (there goes my waistline.... )


Third Feast - 8 July 2018
Started off with a few Mao Shan Wang (MSW), not that it was my first choice of durian, but there was 3 good ones set aside for me.  It was pleasant and typical tasting but stronger than what I had in recent times.  Flesh were not too wet, yet the aroma were strong, with a nice bitterness in it.

Was later given D13, with the bruised color, a good hint of bitterness.  It had impressed me after the previous 2 sessions where D13 was average.  Flesh was ample, taste was strong, bitter sweet.

The last XO that the seller kept hidden from sigh were given to me.  It was an awesome piece.  XOs that I like, are mostly beige in color instead of off-white.  I believe richer color signifies a tastier fruit (usually).  The flesh were thick and seeds were small.  A photo speaks a thousand words.
XO Durian

Next came Jing Feng.  It was the size I like, approximately 1-1.2kg region.  It has a nice balance of taste, thick and sticky, sweet with a hint of mild bitterness.  Many people whom are more attracted to bitter durians won't enjoy this but being a durian lover, I don't stick to just typical durians.

After a little rest, Tai Yuen and Kapai was offered to me.  I wasn't much impressed with Tai Yuen.  A good Tai Yuen is hard to come by, mostly average ones.

Tai Yuen

I had too much durians!  

Of the total of 3 MSW, 2 D13, 1 XO, 1 Jing Feng, 1 Tai Yuen, 1 Kapai, MSW won the battle.


Forth Going - 9 July 2018

This is crazy. What's meant for a party of 10 pax, were eventually conquered by 5.

We had at least (that I had counted), 3 MSW, 2 Jing Feng, 1 D17, 2 D13, 1 D101, 1 D2, 1 Tekka, 1 D88, 1 Tai Yuen.  In the end, we managed to slaughter it, taking home about 2 durians.

From the feast, D17, Jing Feng and the 1 MSW I took home left everyone in awe.  

D17 was a bit on the soft side but I'm definitely not complaining. It has the bitterness and mild sensation of an XO, plus the good aroma and fragrant of a good durian. A combination hard to come by for D17.

The Jing Feng also gotten everyone praising how perfect it was. Probably one of the best I ever eaten. It has strong character with the perfect softness (definitely not too soft) and stickiness that gives it a 9/10. 

The MSW I took home is the best I had this year. Strong bitterness, strong MSW taste, but lacking that coffee aroma punch effect else it would have scored tremendously. Gladly and sadly, there were only 4 seeds (glad cos a good durian need not have many seeds. Bad cos, my craving isnt satisfied).  Nonetheless, it's worth 7.5-8/10.


Fifth Night - 10 July 2018

Tonight we visited another shop, with some durian pack from another store.

Started with 2 XO, 2 Tai Yuen and 2 D13.

Tai Yuen was ok. XO and D13 not up to mark.

Following that, we had 3 rounds of MSW, totaling 8 MSW durians.  MSW are not bad, but the one I had this afternoon (from last night) was better.


Going to take a few days break (ok fine, I had 2 halves of XO from last night which I will eat today 11/7/18), unless........ (I hear Dr Ong making special request from a source of his... good Shen Xian Guo and Tekka from Pahang.... don't forget meeeeee...else I'll break into your place and steal it)

Of the 5 days feasting, it seems to concur to me, 
- For now, smaller MSW are better.
- D17 I had last night  caught my fancy
- Red Prawn that I had on 7/7/18 was a jaw dropper
- D13 was alright. 
- D101, Tai Yuen, D2, Tekka, isnt up to my liking.
- XO are ok, best to refrigerate overnight (whole fruit).
- Tai Yuen and Jing Feng, of its decently ripe, are worth eating.

I've also asked a bit about the weather in Pahang region in the last few weeks.  It seems quite consistent with Singapore, rainny and sunny on different days (eg some days raining heavily, some days light showers, other days sunny).  That seems to suggest to me, the mid year harvest from Pahang this year, odd to be better than most other years.

Seven Deadly Sins - 14 July 2018

Sixth (13/7) wasn't a feast, only had a few seeds and left me craving the whole night that I had to visit the shop again on Saturday. 

Took home 3 durians instead of eating there.  They are, Jing Feng, Tekka and XO.

The Jing Feng was a bit on the softer side than thick and sticky, but the taste was rich and satisfying.  I'm impressed with the Jing Feng I had this season so far.

Had kept the Tekka till late night as I felt Tekka can be kept awhile. It appears like this Tekka has only 3 sides, but... I'm left lingering for more.  There were only 2 sides, and only 4 seeds. Most would complain that it's too costly to pay for a mere 4 seeds. I complain that it was a mistake only buying 1 fruit, as I was left listing for more. Never mind, I'll go and get more on Sunday. 

The flesh were decently ripe, soft yet not runny. Aroma hit the nerves immediately when i stuffed it into my mouth, little by little, I divulge it. 

Lost Count

I havent stop eating... as a matter of fact, on days I go out eating, I'll buy some back for the next day or 2. My pants have gone tight and I've put in 2kg since my first durian on 5 July. 

After 2 weeks feasting, at last I got the MSW that hit my nerves. The omph factor I relate to as a fresh brew of coffee that some people ridicule me as nonsense or how do I even relate durian to fresh brewed coffee. 

This MSW I had only has 5 seeds. Love hate relationship. Love it that there are only so few seeds, meaning, all the nutrients goes only to these few seeds, but hate it that I havent had enough when I ate the last.

I'm not a big fan of MSW but I've had the best MSW in awhile, probably a couple of years, I'll search for more MSW, now that I've tasted that gem.

 (I still havent had that knock out Tekka this season.... darn...)

29 July 2018
It all the last day of supply for some bigger stalls while the smaller stalls have already ceased selling durian.  

The season has tapered to an end. Supply is currently low thus prices have escalate tremendously. 

The next harvest should be sue towards late August but I dont think it will be as big a harvest as in July. 

My last feast for the July harvest, Mao Shan Wang.  I had a few, all smaller size fruits with about 3-4 seeds each.  Seems expensive since the price is divided into 3 or 4 seeds only.

The taste is what we would call, kap kap and bitter.  Now I'm lusting for the next harvest.

The 3 weeks feast, of the 21 days, I would have consumed 15 or 16 days.

Further reading
>>> Shen Xian Guo 神仙果
>>> Tekka (Green Bamboo)
>>> Red Prawn
>>> D17 or S17 (really got S17 ah?)
>>> XO (U won't get drunk on this)
>>> Jing Feng (Golden Phoenix)

03 April 2018

First Season of 2018

The season started about 2 weeks ago, sometime in mid March 2018 (or slightly earlier).  The supplies are mostly from Johor currently, as Pahang's stock is low, and quality lacking.

If we look back in the recent years durian supplies, 2017 was at it's worst, with sky high prices and low quality durians.  2015 was a bumper year while 2016 was affected by El Nino.  Towards late 2017, the supply stablized as the El Nino (2016) and La Nina (2017) weather phenomena tappers to an end. 

Weather swings has adverse impact in many ways, and it has shown in agriculture too.  However, even with low yield, durian farmers will need to continue with their TLC on the durian trees.  This may lead to healthy and 'plump' trees, full of vigour.  This resulted in the better quality and higher supply in the year end supply of 2017, which lead into early 2018.

The 2018 harvest is likely to be better, as evident by the recent low prices and better quality.

My first try was 2 weeks ago, where I had Mao Shan Wang ( MSW), D13 and Tekka.  Of the whole lot we tried, D13 was good, so was Tekka (it was first day of supply).  MSW wasn't impressive then.

I had my 2nd feast on 2 April 2018.  Will update with photos soon.  I had Jing Feng and MSW on this trip.  Both of them left me rather happy, for now.