I created this blog (1st post dated 7 May 2012), to share my personal opinion of different durian variants I tried along the way (tried only a few out of the hundreds).
My blog has NO AFFILIATION WITH ANY BUSINESS OR ANYONE USING SIMILAR NAME or string of words with DURIANLICIOUS in it. Thus, please do not be mislead or cheated by anyone/business/products claiming they own this blog. If anyone makes such claims, they are liars and you can't trust their business.
I think it is appropriate for me to clearly mention a few things at this juncture. Up to April 2015, I only had approximately 17,000 hits, while by December 2015, the readership doubled to 34,000 (not exact figures but round down). This doubling effect could be due to the bumper supply and the exceptionally great tasting durian we had in mid-2015 (the last such unforgettable tasting durian was in 2008). Since readers are from across the globe (even from US, Europe, across many parts of Asia, etc), I need to make some disclaimers. Firstly, Durianlicious is a word which I coined when I decided to start this blog in May 2012. The world is a combination of my thoughts, "durian is delicious", thus the combination into, DURIANLICIOUS! I have not come across this word then, nor do I claim to be the originator of this word (in case there are others already using it officially before me). Secondly, in all my post, I don't mention any durian business names as I am not affiliated to any durian business, be it whole fruit, dessert or even products, and do not want to influence readers with my opinion up to this point in time. I think this is to be fair to businesses and readers, as my opinion can than be neutral. I must be one of the few that talked about some durian without any mention of any particular sellers till now. However, if one day, I am remunerated [be it in cash or in kind] to write, I will specifically mention it so that readers will know the particular post is influenced. I do not foresee this day coming, unless my readership is so huge someday. Thirdly, I do not own or endorse any businesses or products using this name Durianlicious. Do not be tricked by any into believing this blog is theirs. If anyone makes such claims, please let me know. Dishonesty in claims proves dishonesty in business and I will encourage you to boycott them at all cost. There are hundreds of stores, no need to patronised any dishonest ones. ----------------------------------- (P/S : I'm unable to add any revenue generating links to my blog till date [have to mention too, since Singapore taxation body is looking into taxing revenue from online revenue streams]) ---------- update August 2016 ---------- I've started a Facebook just to copy and paste some of my post here into Facebook. However, it won't contain every post I've written here.
My friend, Alfred, posted a photo of a durian which a seller claimed to be Shen Xian Guo 神仙果 and asked if it is the real fruit itself (I shall not post that photo, as it is by a durian seller, just so I don't cast doubts in that particular business). I won't say yes or no, up to you to believe. A good name, sells. Personal experience, from as far back as around 2008 or 2009, I recall having tried this fruit Shen Xian Guo 神仙果 from another seller (north east Singapore). I didn't blog about it as I have little recollection of this fruit, and the photos I taken were of very poor quality due to the very low mega-pixel handphone camera back then. From memory, the fruit is very subtle in taste, a little too soft and kind of watery taste and texture. I was told then, consume it as soon as possible, as it can't last beyond that day itself. Subtle tasting, my only memory was, at first bite, it's almost tasteless. The taste does linger on you a little on the 2nd seed and it takes a little more taste observation to be able to get the hint of this durian, maybe, like how some would define a really fine and mild wine after being used to strong wines. I only get to try this durian twice, for several reasons: - it is not common, - it is not popular as many won't appreciate the taste (no demand) - it didn't grow on me, thus I didn't opt to try it again. I showed the below photo (pardon the poor quality) to our friend Dr Roy, if this photo resonate with his experience with Shen Xian Guo 神仙果, and he agreed with the pale colored flesh. He checked with his trusted durian seller if this fruit is available now (March) and was told, it is only available in May/June period.
----- edit (a few words from Dr Roy Ong describing Shen Xian Guo 神仙果) ------ Pardon the slang - Fugged up taste. - You want to scold seller. (for me, I'll pellet the seller with durian shell) - Than it slowly builds up and you gradually enjoy the nuances. - Hooked after 10+ seeds. - No jelak feeling even after half basket. (jelak is a malay word which can mean, 'turned off' or 'disguised' in this case) P/S : He is an extremist... when he fancy something, he goes all out till something else catches his attention. So yes, he probably ate so much more of Shen Xian Guo, than I did of Jing Feng. ------------------------------------------- (P/s : I don't mention any durian business names as I am not affliated to any, and do not want to influence readers with my opinion)