15 June 2019

Mid Year Season 2019

Barely had durians last season... craved so much, but missed the first flowering of this season too. Oh well.... that explains why I felt listless.

Had some last week, but wasn't impressed and thought I should wait till late June. Patience isn't a friend. Ok I'm such a durian bitch.

After a tiring long day, I just need an energy boost.  Such a galore... I had 1 Tai Yuan, 1 MSW, half XO, half Red Prawn, finally Udang Hitam Rajah (King Black Prawn)

MSW isnt up to my expectation, but most would like it.

Tai Yuan was alright, but not to my expectation too.

XO glorious XO! Wooo ok I'm taking 1 whole durian, unopened, home. A good way to savor XO is, put the whole durian into the fridge and eat it the next day! That's the best way to eat a good XO durian.

Red Prawn, what's going on? Ecstasy! The richness, bitterness, a shot in the head like wasabi effect

Udang Hitam Rajah, ok I need not describe, it's the King of Red Prawn.

-------------- 23/06/2019 ------------------

I must have been so deprived since I barely had durin last season.

Today's spoils includes, Red Prawn, D13, D88, MSW, Jing Feng and a variant I've never tried before, called Kasap (spell?) or Ice Cream Durian.  I'll write a different post on it.

What stood out today was D13. Not saying the others were average, they were good too, but this D13 took the crown.

It's gotten an unusual durian pungent u like predictability. It's just so hard to describe, more than the old days kampung durian, and not the predictable graded durian.  It's got that nice kam kam taste coupled with a good level of bitterness. The kind I desired for, unpredictable.

Next time I head to the shop, I'll request for this quality again.

------------- 2 Sept 2019 -------------

The season is ending soon and the next season likely starts in November.  So those who loves Malaysia durians, do get your fix or even, stock up.

What surprised me lately was the quality of D24.  Usually, I don't favour D24 from Pahang during hot months (mid year season) as the flesh tends to be semi ripe.  Last 1 week, I was getting real decent quality D24.

The D24 I been eating in last 1 week taste much better than those I had in last 1 year.  The texture were more even, and taste were flavorful.  In fact there were a few that had smaller seed (half the usual size), which means I get more flesh.

I had 2 MSW during this period though, and it pales in comparison to D24.  So, that's how good it was.

Of cos, dont take my word for it.  The seller had opened really nice once for me.

------------------------------- Ganyao ----------------------

I tends to hear, "THAI DURIAN??  It's hard, not nice".  I actually likes it, when a lot doesn't appreciate Thai durian, that's why I get to eat good thai durian once in awhile (when I want to have it).

Over the weekend, at the shop, I noticed Thai durian (Chanee and Ganyao) and asked about it.  I was provided Ganyao on 2 occasions.

On Friday 30/08/19, the 1st one I had was alright.  The texture was almost right, a bit thicker (but not dry or overly sticky), creamy, buttery smooth.  However, the taste wasn't up to my expectation, as the flavaour didn't hit me like a boxer's KO punch.  

The 2nd one was the opposite.  The texture was just a bit on the softer side (but not runny) and everything else was good enough.  The taste was awesome, bitter, mildly sweet and very flavourful, the powdery floral scent that lingers to my nose.  If only the texture was a tiny bit thicker, it'll be PERFECT!

Saturday 31/08/19 night, the Ganyao was a more on the sweeter side, taste was about the first one I had the previous day, so nothing much to remember by.