01 November 2016

Durian Season 2016 - Year End

Some are already craving for durian. After all, it's been 2 months since most last had their cravings satisfied.

Do not rush into it yet. I have not gone on my search but I believe what you see currently (since mid Sept till at least late Nov) are Thailand durians.

Thailand durians can be nice (as in, suiting taste buds of Singaporeans and Malaysians). Just make sure you are not sold passed off durians (Thai as Malaysia durians).


Malaysia durian season has just started with some stalls selling Ganghai.  

Have you started your feast?  Currently, there are several variants of durians available in the market, mostly D13, D17, MSW, Ganghai.  Information from source, D13 and D17 are good.  MSW and Ganghai, well, if your craving is strong, go for it.  Else, wait another week.

My simple self guide.  Feasting on popular variants of durians such as D24 and MSW supply from Johor and Pahang as follows:
-  Mid year, Johor
-  Year end, Pahang.

Just tried D13, D17 and Tekka.

This particular D13 I took, weighs 2.5kg.  Very rich in color, smooth flesh, and the usual sweet (slight hint of bitter) taste.

D17 was said to be bitter but this one wasn't as bitter as I was expecting (around 8/10 bitterness).  Taste and durian pungent was acceptable, not exceptional.

Lastly, Tekka.  It was the best among the 3.  It satisfied my craving, for now.  The nice tone, rich taste, just what I wanted.  It's not so bitter, so it should go well with most consumers.

Will wait another week or so for Pahang durians to larger supplies to arrive.  There are small volume available, but cost is too high, thus not many durian stalls selling Pahang durian for now.